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“When everyone in the classroom, teacher and students, recognizes that they are responsible for creating a learning community together, learning is at its most meaningful and useful.”  -bell hooks
















Our class word wall, class drum, class library, and class teacher.


Bulletins- Social Justice Hip-Hop.












Daily flow chart. 























Vocal levels management. 














Entrypoints- Visual, tactile, aural, and kinesthetic learning.

















Creating- Choreographer's Toolkit.

















Thinking Maps embedded into dance curriculum.

















Dance Library for students.


 Dance aligned Thinking Maps

















Empowerment- Class of the Month.

















 Life-long Learning- Careers in Dance.

















Connecting to Art- Symmetry and Asymmetry in Design with task description and Arts Standards. 
















Connecting to Art- Student generated Matisse inspired Dance Element Cards.
















Making Connections- From Shapes to Art Making to Dance Making to Poetry.
















Assessments- General and Personal Space.





















Class Contract.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.